Photos coming soon! When we re-launched The 3 Star Traveler we lost many of the original photos from posts. Lori is gradually working her way through past posts and uploading the photos once again. Check back soon!
Depending on where you reside, you may not give a second thought to craft beer and local breweries. Meaning, it is the norm for you; special, but nothing special at the same time.
However, if you live someplace, like say, Kentucky; it’s a little bit of a different story. Here, the movement is beginning to rumble like the inside of a volcano; once dormant, it has now come to life.
It seems to be everywhere, and everyone seems to be talking about it. Well, maybe it is just that everyone I hang out with is talking about it. You tend to get into a lot of beer conversations when you are both a food blogger and a traveler.